BIOZONE AP Biology - Student Edition Third Edition by Dr Tracey Greenwood (Author), Lissa Bainbridge-Smith (Author), Kent Pryor (Author)
Posted On: 10/13/2024 : 09-10-21
Overview\\r\\nThis single-volume title for AP® Biology embraces a complete restructure and revision of content to meet the specific requirements of the 2020 AP® Biology CED. The following provides a list of the major changes in approach to content that will assist you in using this new resource.\\r\\n\\r\\nA snapshot of some features:\\r\\n\\r\\nA structure based on the Units and Topics outlined in the CED, with proportion of content allocated broadly according to the exam weighting outlined in the CED. The structure is progressive, with earlier foundational chapters providing the basis for understanding the material in later units.\\r\\nLearning objectives for each unit are drawn from the CED and aligned to the activities supporting those activities.\\r\\nBig ideas and Enduring Understandings spiral across all units, identified by an easy-to-use tab system, color-coded as in the CED and mapped out clearly in the book’s introduction. This tab system also identifies specific skills within each of the six science practices. A color-matched margin bullet helps teachers see where those skills are addressed.\\r\\nSpecific activities designed to prepare students for the skills, procedures, and analyses required in their 13 mandatory investigations.\\r\\nA continued emphasis on the use of data-driven activities, a hallmark of BIOZONE’s earlier editions. These activities provide strong support for the development of the required skills and practices described in the CED.\\r\\nPersonal Progress Checks, designed and written from first principles to address the specific question format of the AP Biology exam question types (multiple choice and Free Response).\\r\\nA dedicated final chapter covering each of the science practices and their associated skills. This provides an important supporting reference for students as they work through the units.\\r\\nA comprehensive glossary of common terms and a summary of mathematical formulas are included.\\r\\nProduct Description\\r\\nBIOZONE’s AP® Biology is the third edition of this popular resource. Now in full color and one comprehensive volume, it has been completely revised to address the 2020 AP® Biology CED. This title expertly balances breadth of content with depth of understanding, employing a wide variety of activities to develop the student’s skills in key science practices. In keeping with the approach of the new CED, AP® Biology deemphasizes the traditional approach of content coverage to focus on inquiry, critical thinking, and enduring understanding of key concepts. Clear presentation, a highly visual approach, and integration of relevant and engaging illustrative examples readies students for college level courses, developing the essential inquiry and reasoning skills they will need as 21st century scientists. BIOZONE’s AP® Biology emphasizes the application of knowledge to understanding and analyzing new problems. It follows the CED’s structure, providing an easily-navigable program that comprehensively addresses the two essential components of the course framework: science practices and course content. Its data-driven approach and highly visual format encourage students to engage fully with the principles, ideas, and methodologies required to understand the natural world.\\r\\n\\r\\nFeatures and Benefits\\r\\nChapter introductions provide a summary of required content and skills, encapsulating the essential knowledge statements.\\r\\nKey questions provide the focus for each activity.\\r\\nStudent Support for Investigations: Activities providing support for specific aspects of each of the 13 investigations are integrated in context throughout.\\r\\nThe big ideas and science practices spiral across topics and units.\\r\\nThrough inquiry and data analysis, students develop enduring understanding of key concepts in biology and an appreciation for the role of science in solving modern-day problems.\\r\\nConcept and science practice codes help students make important connections across the whole program.\\r\\nPersonal progress checks (at the conclusion of each of the 8 units) provide opportunity for formative assessment and prepare students for their AP® exam.
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